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Richardson Pain & Wellness Blog

Try Intermittent Fasting for Medical Weight Loss!

March 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 10:43 pm

intermittent fasting medical weight loss in Richardson

You do your best every day to shed those extra pounds. You exercise at the gym several times a week, you watch what you eat, you drink plenty of water, and you get plenty of sleep every night. Are you missing something else that can give you the results you’re looking for? If you’re serious about medical weight loss in Richardson, then you need to consider adding intermittent fasting to your lifestyle. In this post, you’ll learn more about this technique and how it can make it easier for your body work with you as you get rid of extra fat storage. (more…)

Why You Should Choose HCG for Weight Loss

March 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 10:40 pm

happy woman weight loss Richardson

You’ve tried it all—diet after diet without success. It seems no matter how hard you try at the gym, you can’t seem to shed fat and build up muscle at the same time. As you step onto the scale and see a number you don’t like, you want to make sure that this time is different from your past attempts. If you are looking for a simple plan that works with your body to burn stored fat, you may want to look more into human chorionic gonadotropic (HCG) treatment for effective weight loss in Richardson. Fortunately, you can find a clear explanation this treatment right here! (more…)

3 Reasons to Start Your Anti-Aging Efforts Now

February 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 4:00 pm

woman smiling anti-aging treatment

As an early-career professional, you put in long hours. At the end of an exhausting day, you go to the sink in the bathroom and take a look in the mirror. So far, your face only shows tiny signs of wear and tear, but honestly, how long will that last? You wonder about when you’ll need to start worrying about wrinkles and other signs of aging. The answer is now! Anti-aging treatment in Richardson should begin early on to keep those unattractive traits to a minimum as you get older. Read on to learn reasons you should start taking special care of your skin early on. (more…)

Are You a Good Candidate for Female Hormone Replacement Therapy?

January 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 9:37 pm

Your older friends have gone through it and have shared horror stories from their experiences, making you nervous for this upcoming stage of your life. You’re another year older and that much closer to menopause. For your birthday this year, your one wish is to avoid all the unpleasant symptoms that come along with the natural process. Well, with female hormone replacement therapy, you can! Here are some signs that this therapy could be a good fit for you. (more…)

Oh Man! 4 Ways Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help You

December 23, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 8:21 pm

You and your wife are going out on a much-needed date to your favorite restaurant. Although you should feel excited for a romantic evening together, you feel tired and uninterested. In fact, recently you haven’t had your usual energy level and have felt maybe a bit depressed. You don’t feel like yourself, and it’s starting to impact your life and relationships. What is wrong with you? Can you do anything about it?

You could have low testosterone, a hormone produced by both men and women that affects muscle mass and red blood cell production. However, this hormone plays an especially important role in men. At age 30, men tend to produce less testosterone, and nearly 20 percent of men older than 60 don’t have optimal levels of this hormone. Read on to learn how low testosterone levels can impact a man’s health and well-being and how male hormone replacement therapy can help. (more…)

5 Early Symptoms of RA That Joint Injections Can Treat

November 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 5:21 pm

hand pain

You’re buying your dream car. It has everything you want, and you’re excited to enjoy your new ride. You pick up the pen and start to sign your name for the first of many times. Then, you have pain emanating from your fingers and hand. They’ve been hurting frequently lately. Could it mean that something is wrong? Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that attacks the joint membranes. It frequently occurs in the hands, knee, fingers, and feet, but its effects can even cause systemic illnesses throughout the body. The good news is that there is a treatment solution that can keep RA under control—joint injections in Richardson. But how do you know that you have RA? What are the signs and symptoms of this disease? Well, keep reading to find out! (more…)

5 Tips for Chronic Pain Management at Home

October 29, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 5:35 pm

woman back neck pain

You live with it every day. It’s always there, and it can make daily functions much more difficult and certainly more unpleasant. Living with chronic pain can take a toll on your mental and emotional health as well as on your body, so it’s important to do something about the pain. But do you really need to see doctor after doctor? Believe it or not, you may be able to provide your own pain management at home. Read on to learn five tips you can implement into your life for more relief. (more…)

Obesity: 4 Signs That You Need Weight Loss

August 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 7:30 pm

man belly measuring tape

In America, obesity is becoming more and more common. In fact, about 70 percent of adults are overweight or obese. However, it’s important to keep in mind that being overweight and being obese are two different things. If you see extra fat on your arms, legs, or belly, you may be overweight, but how do you know if you’re obese? Obesity comes when you’re at least 20 percent over the normal weight for your height, but there are other indications of obesity to watch out for. Once you can recognize the signs of obesity, you can get on the path toward healthy weight loss in Richardson. (more…)

5 Reasons Why Men Should Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy

August 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 7:26 pm

When you think of hormones, you likely envision an awkward teenager with acne or a pregnant woman who easily bursts into tears. However, hormones impact the daily functions in the bodies of both adult women and men. In fact, about 25 percent of American men older than age 30 have low testosterone. Although this specific hormone is critical for both sexes, it plays a particularly important role for male health. Testosterone contributes to red blood cell production, sex drive, sperm production, growing of facial and body hair, and maintaining muscle strength and mass. If you have low testosterone, you should seriously consider getting hormone replacement therapy in Richardson. Why? Keep reading to find out! (more…)

How Fast Do Joint Injections in Richardson Work?

July 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 9:00 pm

cortisone bottle and needle

You’ve had enough. You’re done feeling this excruciating pain in your shoulder from an injury. In your online research, you’ve come across a potential solution: joint injections in Richardson. Your doctor can give you a shot of cortisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory medication, directly into your shoulder. This treatment is touted as an effective way to handle joint pain, but how soon will you feel the effects of the injection? To answer this question, you need to understand some other information first. Keep reading to learn more and get closer to finding relief. (more…)

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